Restorative Gatherings

Restorative Gatherings
A residency at the Acts Of Listening Lab, Concordia
June 21th – July 26 2019

During this residency, goldjian will host a serie of gatherings and practices inspired by restorative circles.

Here is the invitation:

This particular work, developped in the favelas of Rio, is not yet known in Montreal (and differs from transformative and restorative justice). It is owned by the members of a community as a way to welcome and support our own conflicts.

To me, this is a larger inspiration to look at a restorative paradigm that go beyond human relations and encompass materialities and ecosystem. It’s an art of listening, deep understanding, a practice of vision and a wisdom of looking for support when conflicts are too painful.

I suggest we meet every friday from 10 to 13 pm . We could have lunch together for those who can.

This weekly restorative gathering would be the occasion to share some embodied and heart based exploration, learning and practices. We will do somatics and rituals for inner and community restoration, deepen our listening skills, nourrish ourselve and eachother, cultivate a restorative paradigm and constellate vision toward a Queer, Activist, Intimacy Restorative Network.  The intention is to deepen vision and practices and build some systems for ourselves, each-others, and our dear ones, indispensably. The last gathering could bring us to a public sharing, whose concrete form will be collectively envisionned.


The themes will more or less be :


  1. June 21 –  Asking and receiving support  (AKA how to restore ourselves until we overflow)
  1. June 28th –  Caring for our conflicts
  1. July 5th –  Listening to conflicts
  1. July 12nd  – Restorative writings
  1. July 19nd – On the divinatory screens of our hearts (preparing for what come)
  1. July 26th – Restorative stories (intimate public event)